Script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder
Script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder

This will create an executable file that will cause our computer to run the tasks described inside it when activated.Īnd this is pretty much all you need to know for Windows.

script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder

In my case, I decided to name my file launch_likes.bat. Once all of this is set up, we want to save our file with the. bat file in your Desktop, you will not be able to reach scripts that are located in folders that are located one folder up unless you plan for that inside of your bat file (By using cd. One of the thing that has to be taken into account is that the Batch file will launch the console from the folder the. As you can see, we can also include arguments the same way we would when calling a script from the shell. Then, we just have to r eplicate how we would launch the script from our Command prompt. Now, you can see how we cd to the directory where the script is located. You may choose to not include it at the end of your batch file.

script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder

  • PAUSE: This last bit is for the purpose of asking the batch file to not close the command prompt once the script will be done.
  • This could be used in case your scripts don’t return anything and you would like to know when your script is done doing its job for instance.

    script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder

  • REM: The line that follows REM is just a simple comment.
  • To do that, we need to open our text editor and write the corresponding lines :


    For our Windows users out there, the solution lies in creating a Batch file that is going to navigate through our directories, find the script of your choosing and launch it for you.

    Script to mount dmg and copy app to appliations folder